Amos Adler – Happy 2025! 2024 was a milestone year for A4i and I thought I’d recap the trip to California in December of last year. The 3 weeks of travel through California was fulfilling, productive and mind-expanding! It all started with the Plug and Play Silicon Valley (SV) Immersion Program.
The first few days were an amazing conference in SunnyVale CA at the Plug and Play Silicon Valley HQ. With 4000+ attendees. I got to pitch in front of more than a thousand people on the mainstage which was nerve-wracking and awesome.
During my time in SV, I had the pleasure of connecting with a fantastic cohort of founders and executives from the Calgary Plug and Play Cohort that all supported and cheered each other on and bonded over the next 10 days.
We visited Google, we visited Stanford, and spent a day learning about culture at NetFlix!

Had amazing mentoring with local founders and experienced tech, marketing and product leaders like Kelby Price and got to be inspired by Juan Carlos Velten in SF. While we were there we all took advantage of the scale and pace of the Bay Area, a few of us health-focused startups went to an event in San Matteo with the Life Science Entrepreneur lead by Cythika Hiwin Bopearachchi and Mariane Bekker.
Key takeaways from SV:
There is massive scale in tech in California and the US. The future belongs to AI and specifically agentic AI both in health and also customer service and many many other areas. We are barely scratching the surface. There are many many soonicorns (great word) waiting to happen and we are trying to build that rocket. 🚀🚀
After SV with the fantastic group of entrepreneurs, leaders and Plug and Play peeps it was off to SoCal to meet with more investor/accelerators, visit with A4i’s client and super-partner Riverside County (Riverside University Hospital System Behavioral Health). We planned and moved our projects forward.
I also managed to get a surf 🏄 in and a LA Clippers game while there.
Finally, wrapping up the trip with a fantastic conference by the California Hospital Association, Behavioral Health Symposium, an outstanding group of mental health professionals and advocates with a focus on hospital and county level behavioral health professionals.